Chemical Peels: Which One Is Right for Me?
Are you happy with your skin’s texture and tone? If not, you may be able to benefit from a chemical peel. Chemical peels use a chemical solution that causes the outer layers of skin to peel away, revealing healthy and youthful skin. Peels are ideal for treating fine lines and wrinkles, sun damage, uneven skin tone, skin laxity, and uneven skin texture.
At Erwin Dermatology, we offer a large selection of chemical peels to meet the individual skincare needs of our patients. These peels include superficial, medium-depth, and deep peels.
Superficial Peels
Superficial peels, also called light peels, remove just the outer layer of skin with light exfoliation to add a healthy glow to the skin. Common acids used in superficial peels include a mixture of alpha hydroxy acid and beta hydroxy acids.
Ideal patients for superficial peels have mild skin concerns and are seeking to enhance their overall facial skin appearance without long downtime.
Medium Peels
Medium peels are ideal for treating acne scars, deeper wrinkles, and uneven skin color. The chemicals used will remove cells from the outer layer of skin and the upper middle layer of skin. Medium-depth peels commonly use TCA (trichloroacetic acid), Jessner’s solution, and glycolic acid.
Ideal patients for medium peels are those with mild to moderate skin concerns. Individuals with darker skin tones may also see the best results from medium peels.
Deep Peels
Deep chemical peels are ideal for treating deeper facial wrinkles, scars, sun damage, or uneven skin tone. The strongest chemical called phenol is used for deep peels to reach the lower dermal layer of the skin. Pretreatment is often used to prepare the skin for a deep peel and may include the use of retinoic acid cream or gel. This works the thin skin’s surface layer to ensure more even treatment.
Deep peels are best for those with severe signs of aging or skin concerns who are looking for overall rejuvenation. Downtime for deep peels is longer than that of light and medium peels, as the chemical solution is stronger.
Schedule Your Consultation
To learn more about chemical peels and how they may be able to benefit you, call Erwin Dermatology in El Campo, TX at 979-543-9933 today. At our office, we carry the VI Peel line of peels, as well as SkinCeuticals Peels. Dr. Erwin and her team will create a personalized chemical peel treatment plan based on your unique skin concerns and skin type and tone.