Cynosure Elite IQ for Veins

Schedule your procedure in El Campo, TX


What is the Cynosure Elite IQ

Are you unhappy with the appearance of enlarged and discolored veins known as spider veins on your legs? Certain conditions and circumstances may put you at higher risk for developing varicose veins. These may include pregnancy, being overweight, or a genetic predisposition. This can lead to unsightly, visible veins that can cause self-consciousness with those living with them. Thankfully, laser vein therapy with the Cynosure Elite IQ can help!

The Cynosure Elite IQ is designed with the most advanced technology in laser vein therapy for the most effective results available today. Along with laser vein therapy, Cynosure Elite IQ also treats an array of skin concerns, including laser hair removal.

The Cynosure Elite IQ stands out from other vein therapy technologies because it was built with both the user and the patient in mind. The patented melanin reader helps to keep patient safety in mind, while the modern design and ergonomic handpieces allow for Dr. Erwin to provide the best treatment possible.

The Cynosure Elite IQ Treatment

During laser vein therapy, the targeted vein will be closed off by being zapped by bursts of high-intensity light. No incisions are used, so there is no risk of scarring. Usually, more than one laser treatment session is needed to see optimal results, and are scheduled every 6-12 weeks, or as recommended by your doctor.

Gradual results can often be seen over time, and multiple treatments are often needed for the best outcomes. Slight swelling or redness may occur temporarily. There is no downtime required after laser vein therapy, and patients can return to their normal daily routines as soon as they feel comfortable. Compression stockings may need to be worn for about a week following treatment. You may need a follow-up appointment, during which Dr. Erwin may use an ultrasound to make sure that the treated vein is completely closed.

Cynosure Elite IQ FAQs

Can you get rid of varicose veins?

Yes, there are several effective ways to remove the appearance of varicose veins, including non-invasive, pain-free laser treatments with Cynosure IQ.

What happens during Elite IQ treatment?

During Elite IQ treatment, the unwanted vein is targeted with a high-intensity light and closes the vein off. This kills the vein, and then it gradually disappears completely.

How many sessions of laser therapy will I need?

The number of treatments needed for effective visible vein removal varies by patient and is dependent on the size of the vein and where its located.

Will Cynosure Elite IQ damage my skin?

No! Cynosure Elite IQ will not damage or cause any wounds on the skin.

Does Cynosure Elite IQ laser therapy hurt?

Absolutely not! The procedure is virtually painless. At most, you’ll feel a tingling sensation or a snapping sensation.

How do you get varicose veins?

Varicose veins form when special valves that keep blood flowing in one direction fail, causing blood to form pools that expand the vein and make it visible through the skin.

Is Cynosure Elite safe?

Yes, thanks to the help of the first FDA-approved melanin reader, Cynosure Elite has a unique advantage at tuning treatment parameters to be totally personalized to your skin type and color.

When will I see the results of Cynosure Elite IQ?

You will likely need multiple treatments to see the results you’re looking for, but you should start to see results one to three weeks after treatment.

How long do the results of Cynosure Elite IQ last?

The results of Cynosure Elite IQ therapy can last for a year or more.

Is there anything I should avoid after Cynosure Elite IQ treatment?

You will want to avoid hot water until your skin fully heals from the treatment. That typically takes about 48 hours. You’ll also want to avoid exfoliating for at least a week and avoid direct sun exposure for about 30 days.

How long do the results of Elite IQ laser therapy last?

The results are permanent. Once the vein is eliminated, it will not come back.

How long is a laser therapy treatment session?

How long a treatment session is depends on the number of veins you’re having treated. Typically, it can take between five and thirty minutes.

What is the recovery time for Elite IQ laser therapy?

There is virtually no recovery time with Elite IQ laser therapy. You can return to your normal routine immediately. That being said, you will want to avoid direct sun exposure (tanning beds and sun tanning) for at least two weeks after treatment.

When will I see results from laser vein treatment?

Results from Cynosure Elite IQ take several weeks to appear, and usually require multiple sessions to ensure optimal results.

How many Cynosure Elite IQ treatments will I need?

You may need between three and six treatment sessions to achieve the results you’re looking for.

Candidates for Cynosure Elite IQ

Individuals who are bothered by the appearance of visible veins on their legs can often benefit from laser vein therapy with the Cynosure Elite IQ. However, there are many factors that can impact candidacy, including age and overall health, the extent of your varicose veins, and your symptoms. If you would like to know if you are a good candidate, contact our office today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Erwin. This appointment is necessary so Dr. Erwin can assess your veins and discuss any concerns you may have to create your personalized treatment plan.

Contact Us Today

If you would like to learn more about laser vein therapy, contact our office today by calling 979-543-9933! We will be happy to assist you in scheduling your initial appointment with Dr. Erwin, during which you can speak with her regarding your aesthetic goals, and she can create a treatment plan just for you. Please do not hesitate to ask any questions regarding treatment, as we want you to be fully informed and confident in your treatment option.