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What are Keloids?

Keloids are raised scars that occur due an overgrowth of scar tissue after an injury has healed. They can be much larger than the original wound and are most commonly found on the chest, cheeks, earlobes, and shoulders. While keloids are not harmful to your health, they can create cosmetic concerns or become uncomfortable. Keloids can continue to slowly grow for months or even years. They usually stop growing on their own, and once a keloid develops, it is permanent.

Common symptoms of a keloid include:

  • Lumpy area of skin that is raised.
  • Is often flesh-colored, pink, or red.
  • The area continues to grow larger with more scar tissue over time.
  • The skin is itchy.

Men and women are both equally likely to have keloid scars. However, those with darker skin tones, of Asian or Latino descent, who are pregnant, or who are younger than 30 years of age may be more likely to get keloids. They also have a genetic component, so those who have family members with keloids may also get them.

Individuals who are prone to keloids should not undergo any type of cosmetic surgery, and when surgery is necessary, you can ask your doctor to take special precautions to minimize the formation of keloids at the incision sites.

Treatment Options for Keloids

Keloids are not dangerous to your health and are usually primarily a cosmetic concern. While there is no one treatment proven to treat keloids, there are a number of procedure options to help reduce the size of keloids and reduce symptoms. These treatments may include:


This option may be used for very large or older keloid scars. However, the rate of return for keloid scarring after surgery is high. This technique is often more successful when combined with other procedures.

Corticosteroid Injections

Injections of corticosteroid medicine can be done to reduce the size of keloids and irritation. Treatments are usually repeated every 4-6 weeks.


Using a bandage to apply continuous pressure for 24 hours for 6-12 months can be used to shrink keloids.

Superficial Radiation Therapy

For keloids that do not respond to any other treatments, excision of the keloid followed by two superficial radiation treatments have been proven successful.

Keloid FAQs

Are keloids cancerous?

Keloids are not cancerous, they are simply scar tissue.

Are keloid treatments covered by insurance?

Most insurance plans consider keloid treatment a cosmetic concern, so it is not generally covered.

Can aloe vera treat keloids?

Aloe vera can help to reduce the size or inflammation of keloids for some patients.

Can keloids get infected?

Are keloids painful?

Can I get a tattoo if Im prone to keloids?

You can get a tattoo if you are prone to keloids but should understand the risks and avoid areas where keloids are most likely, such as the shoulders, upper chest, or neck.

Are keloids dangerous?

Keloids are not dangerous to your health but can be painful or itchy.

Ideal Candidates for Keloid Treatment

Individuals who have keloids that are a cosmetic concern or a cause of discomfort can often benefit from keloid treatment. A consultation appointment with Dr. Erwin is needed for a proper assessment of your keloid. She will then create a treatment plan to help remove or shrink the size of your keloid.

Contact Us Today

To learn more about keloids and keloid treatment options, contact our office by calling 979-543-9933! Your first step toward treatment will be to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Erwin, our skilled dermatologist.